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Sustainability goal icon Sustainability goal text
Sustainability goal icon Sustainability goal text
Sustainability goal icon Sustainability goal text
Sustainability goal icon Sustainability goal text

2000 m2 for our food

Promoting a sustainable agricultural and food culture in Luxembourg

Fase de iniciativa: Bem estabelecido e em funcionamento

The Luxembourgish 2000 m2 field is located at the Haus vun der Natur in Kockelscheuer, a stone's throw from Luxembourg City. The joint project between the Institut fir biologësch Landwirtschaft an Agrarkultur (IBLA), natur&ëmwelt and co-labor is funded by the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development in Luxembourg. Together, the project partners cultivate the area and make it accessible to the public at various events.

The Luxembourg World Field is cultivated organically and represents the conditions in Luxembourg, as 2000 m2, half of which is used for arable farming and half for permanent grassland, is also available to every Luxembourg resident. Dietary habits not only have a major impact on the health of the population, but also on soil, air and water.

Currently, agricultural production for direct human consumption plays a minor role in Luxembourg. The "2000 m2 for our food" project therefore aims to highlight the value of fruit, vegetable and field crop cultivation for food culture. This means apples and pears instead of mangoes and kiwis. Lentils, peas and soya from regional cultivation instead of chickpeas from subtropical regions. Seasonal, varied enjoyment would also be possible on the basis of fruit and vegetables produced in the Greater Region.

Animal husbandry is very important for Luxembourg's grassland region and represents an essential link to agriculture, as the fertility of the soil is particularly enhanced by the organic fertiliser from animal husbandry. Chicken manure, pig slurry and cow dung are used as fertiliser in the fields, making an important contribution to keeping nitrogen and other nutrients in the agricultural cycle and making mineral fertilisers superfluous. In addition, the supply of plant-based fertilisers from the food industry is increasing, which, in combination with green manure and an adapted crop rotation, are also sufficient to supply the crops with nutrients.

Nome da Organização

Endereço / Geo

  • Weltacker
  • 5, route de Luxembourg
  • 1899 Kockelscheuer


Oportunidades de participação

Cidadãos empenhados Braços fortes Competência/conhecimento

Tipo de instituição/transportadora

Instalação de investigação

Nome da instituição

IBLA a.s.b.l.

Como é que a iniciativa é financiada?

Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity

Existem outros parceiros ou doadores associados à vossa iniciativa?

  • natur&ëmwelt
  • co-labor

Oportunidades de participação

Participation in numerous events, afterwork on the Weltacker

O que é necessário

Cidadãos empenhados Braços fortes Competência/conhecimento


The Luxembourg project "2000 m2 for our food - Project to promote a sustainable agricultural and food culture" aims to raise awareness of the amount of land available for food production, encourage people to reflect on their own eating and consumption habits and provide information about regional, sustainable agriculture.


Everyone who eats & drinks.