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Sustainability goal icon Sustainability goal text
Sustainability goal icon Sustainability goal text
Sustainability goal icon Sustainability goal text
Sustainability goal icon Sustainability goal text
Sustainability goal icon Sustainability goal text
Sustainability goal icon Sustainability goal text

Beki (de Kär asbl)

Beki regional money promotes regional economic exchange and social cohesion and protects the environment.

Fase de iniciativa: Bem estabelecido e em funcionamento

The Beki is a means of promoting sustainable development in its area of distribution in such a way that everyone who participates recognises their own benefit.

Anyone who exchanges euros for Beki receives a three per cent bonus. This is intended to motivate the inhabitants to use the Beki and thus buy from local businesses.

Those who exchange Beki for euros lose 5 per cent. This is intended to motivate businesses not to exchange the Beki, but to use it for other purchases in the region. This creates a demand for regional products and services as well as a co-operation network between regional businesses in which one strengthens the other.

Networking between residents and businesses is promoted and social cohesion is strengthened, especially as the Beki promotes identification with the region.

Short transport routes for regional goods and services in particular protect the environment and the climate.

Nome da Organização

Endereço / Geo

  • Beki
  • 103, Huewelerstrooss
  • L-8521 Beckerich


Oportunidades de participação

Financiamento Cidadãos empenhados Competência/conhecimento Empregado remunerado

Tipo de instituição/transportadora

Organização sem fins lucrativos

Nome da instituição

De Kär

Como é que a iniciativa é financiada?

The initiative is financed by membership fees and profits on the Beki to euro exchange rate. Until the end of 2023, around 57% of the budget came from a service contract with the Canton of Redingen community syndicate. This support was terminated by the community syndicate.

Existem outros parceiros ou doadores associados à vossa iniciativa?

  • The Beki association De Kär has co-founded Gringgo S.C. and VDA S.C.

Oportunidades de participação

We are currently looking for people who would like to help expand our network.

O que é necessário

Financiamento Cidadãos empenhados Competência/conhecimento Empregado remunerado


The Beki shows very concretely that a different way of doing business is possible and that there are ways out of the growth trap. It also encourages people to think about the prevailing monetary system, which is otherwise rarely scrutinised.


The regional economy is strengthened and the range of goods on offer in the region is recognised more. Regional producers, craftsmen, shops etc. have a financial incentive to co-operate more.


Companies, associations, municipalities, citizens, banks.

Desafios e sucessos de aprendizagem

The initiative faces the challenge of managing without financial support from politicians.