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Luxembourg LGBTIQ+ Panel

Study on the situation, experiences, and aspirations of LGBTIQ+ people in Luxembourg and the border region

Fase de iniciativa: Bem estabelecido e em funcionamento

The Luxembourg LGBTIQ+ Panel is a qualitative study on the situation, experiences, and aspirations of LGBTIQ+ people in Luxembourg and the border region. This project was created by the Laboratoire d'Études Queer, sur le Genre et les Féminismes - LEQGF Asbl and provides platforms where queer community members can think, discuss, and share experiences and ideas on being queer in Luxembourg and the border region. Using focus groups, a series of collective interviews gathering 3 to 8 people from the queer community, this research aims to understand the challenges faced by members of the LGBTIQ+ community, but also what queer people aspire to in order to live 'well' in Luxembourg.

Based on these focus groups, we develop recommendations with the aim to inform policies and actions designed to improve the lives of LGBTIQ+ people. Usually, a panel brings together a group of experts to discuss relevant topics of public interest. For our panel, the expertise comes from the everyday experiences of LGBTIQ+ people. With our partners (local authorities, associations), we are organising various focus groups that reflect the multiple and intersectional realities of LGBTIQ+ people (young people, education, health, work, discrimination, etc.).

Nome da Organização

Endereço / Geo

  • Laboratoire d'Études Queer, sur le Genre et les Féminismes - LEQGF Asbl
  • B.P. 45
  • 4401, Belvaux

Oportunidades de participação

Financiamento Um quarto Empregado remunerado

Tipo de instituição/transportadora

Instalação de investigação

Nome da instituição


Como é que a iniciativa é financiada?

This project is realised with the support of the Ministry for Gender Equality and Diversity and the Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte.

Existem outros parceiros ou doadores associados à vossa iniciativa?

  • Various associations and cities.

Oportunidades de participação

LGBTIQ+ people are invited to partcipate in various thematic focus groups.

The general public is invited to participate in social events organised to promote the Panel, as well as in conferences to present the research results.

O que é necessário

Financiamento Um quarto Empregado remunerado


Communication online & offline


Inform on the diversity of LGBTIQ+ lives and experiences in Luxembourg;

Contribute to research and produce innovative data;

Transmit knowledge on LGBTIQ+ lives in Luxembourg.


Develop recommendations with the aim to inform policies and actions designed to improve the lives of LGBTIQ+ people;

Empower queer people through community participation;

Visibility of LGBTIQ+ lives and experiences in politics, social work, the media and society at large.


The panel gathers LGBTIQ+ people aged 16+ who live or work in Luxembourg, from every nationality, place of residence, linguistic community and social background.

Desafios e sucessos de aprendizagem

Not yet.