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Sustainability goal icon Sustainability goal text
Sustainability goal icon Sustainability goal text

Support for companies and local authorities for the Climate Pact

IMS (Inspiring More Sustainability) supports local authorities in exchanging ideas and working with local businesses.

Fase de iniciativa: Bem estabelecido e em funcionamento

IMS has been part of KlimaPakt since 2013. As part of this mission, we work in local areas to bring together economic players from the same area and highlight common issues relating to sustainable development.

By proposing a decompartmentalisation of activities, exchanges of best practice and cross-disciplinary communication, we are able to establish links between local authorities and businesses around innovative projects for each area or theme. In particular, we run working groups for each area, with the aim of facilitating exchanges and initiating synergies with a view to reducing the impact of human activities on the climate. Topics covered include salary mobility, waste management and energy reduction.

Nome da Organização

Endereço / Geo


Tipo de instituição/transportadora

Organização sem fins lucrativos

Nome da instituição

IMS (Inspiring More Sustainability)

Oportunidades de participação


Contribute to all business-community partnerships and encourage dialogue at local level.
Initiating concrete actions with local authorities and businesses.
Working with the Climate Agency and other partner organisations of the Climate Pact.


Maintaining regular contact and good communication between the public and private sectors enables coherent and bold initiatives to be put in place, which are now necessary if we are to meet the challenges of climate change and the environment. We facilitate this communication by leading working groups and raising awareness.


IMS provides support to companies of all sizes and in all sectors as part of its mission as a Climate Pact partner. Other types of organisation are also part of the exchanges. The country's local authorities are key to the regional exchanges we run.