SustainLux Partner Platforms and Networks
The SustainLux Platform serves to showcase and connect initiatives towards achieving the UN SDGs, climate action and ecosystem regeneration from diverse actor groups across Luxembourg. For this purpose, we work with selected partners, platforms and networks to ensure a wide range of contents. SustainLux’s partner platforms are digitally connected to the SustainLux platform in order to provide and exchange contents. Contents imported from the partner-platforms will feature a logo of origin and allow easy access to the additional functions on the partner platforms through links.
BiBe is the platform for digital citizen participation in transition projects across Luxembourg.
BiBe, which has been developed by the Centre for Ecological Learning Luxembourg in close collaboration with the SustainLux Platform, collects and showcases transition initiatives mainly from citizens and municipalities. BiBe also offers participation opportunities for the ecological transition in Luxembourg, the values of common good and sharing are given primacy. The platform offers a variety of online tools to run participatory processes, for example, in order to collate diverse ideas for further development of initiatives or spaces, to vote on different suggestions, amongst others. Both BiBe and SustainLux are closely connected and share one back end.

The Gringgo Platform makes regional sustainable products and services accessible.
On Gringgo you obtain information on the producers and service providers and the strict sustainability criteria these businesses and products adhere to. On the one hand Gringgo is a platform for selling sustainable products and services, and on the other, a local solidarity investment instrument in the form of a citizens' cooperative. Together, Gringgo forms a network to valorize regional producers.
EdVance, from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Children, is an intranet platform used by Schools.
This platform is developed by the Institut de formation de l’éducation nationale (IFEN) and hosted by the Centre de gestion informatique de l’éducation (CGIE). The collaboration between Edvance and SustainLux was implemented by the Service de coordination de la recherche et de l’innovation pédagogiques et technologiques (SCRIPT). Edvance is not open to the public as it is an intranet tool for schools to help them develop their school development frameworks. If schools want to present their sustainability projects on SustainLux to the public, they can enhance the export of the related information to SustainLux through their Edvance account.

Sustainability Awards
Sustainability Awards by IMS
These awards serve to highlight and reward the best and most creative sustainability initiatives and practices across Luxembourg. All submissions by enterprises, NGOs, municipalities, or transition initiatives by citizens groups are welcome! Participation is free and open to any organisation set up in Luxembourg. As of January 2024, the Sustainability Awards by IMS are powered through SustainLux
Partner organisations
The platform is being developed in a collaboration of seven partner organisations, who all play a role in shaping the content, structure and functions of the platform.
The coordination between partner organisations is ensured by the Steering Group. The University of Luxembourg and the Nohaltegkeetsrot (Conseil Supérieur pour un Développement Durable) initiated the project and were the main sponsors for the development of the platform until it was launched in September 2019. Each partner organisation is also responsible for seeking articles from their own community and for coordinating the quality assurance process.
The Project Lead and the Manager
Responsibility: Organising the Steering Group meetings and follow-up therefrom and developing an evaluation approach for assessing the impact of the platform and its contents.
The Project lead (Ariane König) and the Manager (Maximilian Klein) are in charge of ensuring the continued good operation of the platform by working with all Steering Group members and the developers.
The Group of Developers
Responsibility: Evolution of structure and functions in response to community needs.
The Group of Developers, InnovationBit led by Christopher Koye with support of the UX Designer Vijaya Ramujan, will work in close collaboration with the Steering Group on continued improvement of the structure and the functions of the platform according to the needs of the partners. The Group of Developers can make proposals for new functions and implement provisional solutions, provided they inform the steering group.
The Steering Group
The SustainLux Steering Group is composed of the representatives of each of the seven partner organisations.
The Steering Group meets at least once a year. The decision-making process relates to organizational structures and processes, content, functions of the platform, as well as to budgetary questions. All steering group members and the project manager can make proposals to the group, which the group can accept or constructively modify or deny by consensus . Approval by the group can also be gathered from consultation (in writing by E-mail, with one week for objections). For urgent decisions the co-chairs together with the project manager can act on a provisional basis and place this decision to discussion by the steering group. The communications department of the University of Luxembourg, can provide feedback on content and lay out of the web site.

The Centre for Ecological Learning Luxembourg (CELL) is represented by Norry Schneider, who is also the coordinator and co-founder of the Luxembourg Transition platform, with a focus on the Minette.

The Emweltberodung Lëtzebuerg (EBL) is a non-profit organisation of the environmental consultants of Luxembourg. Created in 1995 EBL has since been implementing environmental projects specifically for municipalities and governmental bodies. The EBL offers expertise on various topics such as sustainable city planning, elaboration of specific awareness raising campaigns and it is the national coordinator of the “campagne sans pesticide”.

On the Plateforme pour l'éducation à l'environnement et au développement durable (EEDD) our website, about 50 actors offer their pedagogic activities to teachers.

The IMS Luxembourg (Inspiring More Sustainability) is Luxembourg’s leading network on Corporate Social Responsibility. IMS Luxembourg supports companies through collaborative and federative projects by encouraging dialogue with stakeholders (private, public, associative). IMS offers expertise (publications), solutions and initiatives such as the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg and the Third Industrial Revolution, and awareness-raising activities. IMS is represented by Nancy Thomas, who directs IMS since 2012.

The INDR (Institut National pour le Développement durable et la Responsabilité sociale des entreprises) at the ‘Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises’ is represented by Norman Fisch, secretary general of the INDR since 2012. He developed the strategy and coordinated the implementation of the corporate responsibility label for Luxembourg firms of the INDR. The knowledge platform directly links to and builds on a project to develop an inventory of CSR initiatives of firms and public organisations that the INDR had started in 2014. Before contributing to the building of the INDR, Norman Fisch worked for the Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR), Deloitte and the Group Saint-Paul Luxembourg.

The Nohaltegkeetsrot (CSDD) is one of the six partner organisations and one of two original sponsors of the project. The CSDD is represented by Marguy Kohnen (co-chair of the steering group), she coordinates the Secretariat of the Nohaltegkeetsrot

The ‘Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l’Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques’ (SCRIPT) is a department of the Ministry of Education with responsabilities for school development and innovation. The SCRIPT is represented by Tania Giberyen.

The SuperDrecksKëscht (SDK) is a joint initiative of the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity, the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts and the Chamber of Commerce, which aims to promote the sustainable use of natural resources in Luxembourg. In addition to the collection and management of hazardous waste, we offer a variety of services, advice and training that are accessible to all. Our aim is to facilitate the prevention and management of waste on site. SDK currently advises and supports around 5,600 companies and public organisations to help them in their waste management and prevention efforts and facilitate the transition to a circular economy. In addition, the SDK Academy has the task of disseminating information and sensitising the Luxembourg population to these issues.

The University of Luxembourg (UL) is a partner organization, and Ariane König ((Assistant Professor in Regenerative Social-Ecological Systems, University of Luxembourg) is a co-founder and coordinator of the platform SustainLux. Accompanying research: Maximilian Klein conducts accompanying research to improve the platform as a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Luxembourg under the supervision of Ariane König.