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Beienhaus asbl - participative living 50+

To promote cordial coexistence, to realise a social model that is communal and more cost-effective.

Initiative phase: Concept phase
  1. CAFE RENCONTRE: On the first Thursday of the month, 5.00 - 7.00 pm, meeting of members with interested parties in the Café littéraire BOVARY, Weimerskirch
  2. Visits to projects abroad and lively dialogue with residents to find out about their experiences and initiatives
  3. Lobbying: dialogue with community leaders and politicians
  4. Public relations work: conferences, workshops, participation in events .....

Name of Organization

Address & geo

  • Senningerberg
  • rue des Romains, 80
  • 2443 Senningerberg

Contact person

Participation opportunities

Part time volunteers Expertise/knowledge

Institution type/carrier

Non-profit organisation


Beienhaus ASBL

How is your initiative financed?

Membership fees

Participation opportunities

People who are prepared to invest time, energy and motivation on a regular basis in order to promote the idea of participatory living in old age with perseverance.

What’s needed

Part time volunteers Expertise/knowledge


  1. Promotion and information about participatory housing for the over 60s.
  2. Forming a network - getting to know each other in advance is the first step towards realising a participatory housing project.
  3. Moving away from a society based on services towards a model of self-management and personal responsibility.


Health & well-being

  • Communities that promote shared activities and healthy lifestyles contribute to better physical health.
  • A functioning community can overcome challenges together and share resources, which increases individual and collective well-being.
  • Regular contact and interaction with others and community activities can alleviate feelings of isolation, reduce emotional distress and promote positive emotions.


  • The feeling of being part of a community and making a contribution strengthens self-esteem and gives life a deeper meaning.
  • A functioning community provides a network of people who support each other, which strengthens the feeling of security and belonging.

Creating living space

  • Moving from a large flat to a smaller one creates additional living space.

Relief for relatives

  • Living in a community rather than alone in a large house reduces children's worries about their mum or dad's safety and the risk of loneliness as they know their parents are surrounded by good acquaintances.

Target audience

People aged 50 and over who are interested in communal living in old age.

Challenges and learning successes

The realisation of such a project takes some time and is comparable to building a house. What is still easy at the age of 60 can become a challenge at 70.

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The initiative information was originally written in German