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Climate Pact Conference

An annual moment of exchange with citizens to achieve climate resilience together.

Initiative phase: Early beginnings

Since May 2022, CELL has been assisting the country's municipalities in setting up the "Climate Pact 2.0 Conferences", a national programme that consists of organising exchanges between civil society and municipalities with a view to developing actions for the ecological transition.

The new programme of the Climate Pact 2.0 programme plans to bring together citizens, clubs, schools and businesses once a year for a day of exchange: This is an opportunity to discuss the projects already carried out at the local or regional level, and to reflect on the actions to be developed in the future. And when we know that 98% of the carbon emissions in a municipality's territory come from sources other than the municipal administration itself (including its buildings and its fleet of vehicles), there is every reason to involve the actors of the territory in local climate action!

The setting up of the Climate Pact Conferences is a new measure that is strongly encouraged because it allows the mobilisation of the active forces of the municipal territory. Some municipalities and regions have started to work on the organisation of such a meeting - in the evening, on a Saturday, on a weekend. These meetings follow on from the evening debates organised by CELL around the film Eng Äerd. After two years of isolation due to the pandemic, we felt a new momentum with a strong will to recreate this much needed public space where citizens and community leaders develop ideas together to strengthen local climate action!

Name of Organization

Address & geo

  • Luxemburg

Contact person

Participation opportunities

Engaged citizen

Institution type/carrier

Non-profit organisation



How is your initiative financed?

Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development

Are there any additional partners or funders connected to your initiative?

  • Klima-Agency
  • Klimabündnis
  • Climate Pact Advisors
  • Municipalities Nature Parks

Participation opportunities

The climate pact conferences are the annual moment of exchange with the citizens in the municipalities of Luxembourg. They offer citizens the opportunity to reflect and act for climate resilience in their territory.


What’s needed

Engaged citizen


"Climate and energy planning is the subject of annual Climate Pact Conferences, which take place at municipal or regional level. The municipality ensures that citizens can actively participate in key planning processes that are of particular interest to them. This is done both in the context of strategic decisions (e.g. the planning of housing estates) and in specific projects (e.g. the transformation of a square or a street section). "

Target audience

Citizens, associations and companies established in a specific territory