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etika asbl

Founded in 1996, the association aims to promote alternative financing for social and sustainable projects (Alternative Savings Account).

Initiative phase: Well established and running

Founded in 1996, the association aims to promote alternative financing for social and sustainable projects, as well as to provide food for thought for an ethical approach to money. This is done in particular through the alternative savings account, which was set up with Spuerkeess in 1997. It enables savers to support a variety of Luxembourg projects aimed at socially and ecologically sustainable development without financial risks and in absolute transparency at a slightly reduced interest rate. Your savings capital is converted exclusively into loans to real economy projects that must meet strict social and environmental criteria. Since the beginning of this cooperation, 305 alternative financings have been supported. Thanks to the solidarity of alternative savings account holders, savings have financed a wide variety of projects (e.g. wind and solar energy, social housing, electric buses, organic farms and restaurants), totalling a good 103 million euros. In this way, we are accompanying the transformation towards a more sustainable world. The goal is an economy that is no longer based on the burning of fossil fuels and the exploitation of unfair labour conditions. Furthermore, the association organises public events to raise awareness of ethical issues in the financial sector and engages in lobbying work with partners, among other things, for consistent climate protection.

Name of Organization

Address & geo

  • etika
  • rue Adolphe Fischer , 136-138
  • L-1521 Luxemburg

Contact person

  • Ekkehart Schmidt
  • +352 400 427 62; M : +49 163 88 40 548

Participation opportunities

Engaged citizen

Institution type/carrier

Non-profit organisation


etika - Initiativ fir Alternativ Finanzéierung

How is your initiative financed?

To cover our general administrative costs and the costs of awareness-raising measures, we financed ourselves from 1997 to 2020 - in addition to the annual contributions of our members - primarily through a share of the savings capital paid into the alternative savings account (including an initial capital endowment on the part of Spuerkeess). Since 2021, we have received a lump sum of 125,000 euros from Spuerkeess to cover our administrative share of the cooperation plus 0.1% of the difference between the existing savings capital and the invested capital.

Participation opportunities

Helping with events and promoting our work.

What’s needed

Engaged citizen


We promote access to credit for initiatives that focus on social and cultural benefits, international solidarity and support for ecology. The aim is to accompany the transformation to a more sustainable world with alternative financing. The goal is an economy whose basis is no longer the burning of fossil energies and the exploitation of unfair labour conditions.


Through low-cost financing of sustainable projects, we promote the transition to a more sustainable world.

Target audience

People who want to invest their money sustainably, are interested in a critical discourse on the state of our world and want to get actively involved.

This page was translated automatically with DEEPL.
The initiative information was originally written in German