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Luxembourg militant choir

Singing to campaign - campaigning in song

Initiative phase: Well established and running

A choir full of amateurs who enjoy singing and questioning the system we live in.

Our common desire :

- to turn moments of struggle into something joyful and full of energy

- to rediscover a voice confiscated by an inhumane system by sharing the often forgotten songs of struggle

- to enjoy the pleasure of singing together for causes we feel are right!

Why the struggle? We need to do away with capitalism, sexism, racism and colonialism. And radically transform society.

You can't sing? Then come along!

We rehearse every 1st Sunday of the month from 11am to 12.30pm and every 3rd Thursday of the month from 6.30pm to 8pm at CID- Fraen a Gender.

Name of Organization

Address & geo

  • CID-Fraen & Gender
  • 14, rue Beck
  • 1222 Luxembourg

Contact person

Participation opportunities

Engaged citizen

Institution type/carrier

Civil society


Chorale militante

How is your initiative financed?

no financing

Are there any additional partners or funders connected to your initiative?


Participation opportunities

Anyone who likes to sing for social justice

What’s needed

Engaged citizen