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Scienteens Lab - Workshops on sustainability

The Scienteens Lab offers hands-on workshops, for pupils and adults, focusing on topics such as renewable energies, CO2 emissions and climate change.

Initiative phase: Well established and running

The Scienteens Lab – De Labo fir Jonker – is the first research lab for high-school students in Luxembourg. It is an extracurricular learning centre of the University of Luxembourg that offers interactive workshops designed to spark their interest in science. In the framework of its "Physics and Sustainability" programme, the Scienteens Lab has developped four workshops for secondary school classes combining physics and environmental sciences, as well as the Sustainability4Life workshops for adults.

The workshops for classes are designed for students aged 13 to 19. They take place on Campus Limpertsberg, under the supervision of the Scienteens Lab’s team. They are exciting and educational thanks to their main features: a hands-on approach, tangible examples from daily life and small groups to foster engagement. These four workshops focus on renewable energies, research on solar cells, CO2 emissions and climate change, power management and energy storage.

The Sustainability4Life workshops for adults focus on three key questions: What are the consequences of global warming? Can Luxembourg become 100% renewable? Thanks to which technologies? Their format is fully flexible, from a full-day of activities in our lab to several one-hour sessions in the workplace.

All these workshops can be done in French, German, English or Luxembourgish.

Name of Organization

Address & geo

  • University of Luxembourg - Campus Limpertsberg
  • Bâtiment des sciences - 162a avenue de la Faïencerie
  • L-1511 Luxembourg

Contact person

Institution type/carrier

State organisation


University of Luxembourg

Participation opportunities

The Scienteens Lab's workshops can be booked via our online booking platform:

Participants can create an account and then select the available date of their choice.


All the Scienteens Lab's workshops are designed to spark interest in science, showcase current scientific research and supports pupils in their career choice. The activities focusing on sustainability are also meant to raise awarness on the topic and provide participant with reliable information. Better understanding climate change, learning how energy is produced and becoming aware of the impact of our consumption are the first steps toward sustainability.

Target audience

The Scienteens Lab's workshops are designed on the one hand for high-school students aged 13 to 19 and on the other for adults.