Every client, whether a detached house, apartment block, office or school building, craft business or industrial building, builds first and foremost for himself, according to his needs. However, he also builds in an environment, a social context and in time and space, which gives him an additional responsibility for what he does.
This guide is the result of collaboration between Eurosolar Lëtzebuerg asbl, the Ordre des Architectes et des Ingénieurs-Conseils, the Chambre des Métiers, the Klima-Agence, the Fédération des Artisans, Greenpeace, the Service des Sites et Monuments nationaux and the Administration des Bâtiments publics, i.e. partners who are committed to the construction of buildings.i.e. partners who are aware of the environmental problems and the possibilities and potential of the available technologies.
It shows that the solar panel has grown beyond the role of an energy production system and should also be considered as a fully-fledged building element in terms of aesthetics.
Name of Organization
- Eurosolar Lëtzebuerg Asbl
- info@eurosolar.lu
- www.eurosolar.lu
- www.archipv.lu
Address & geo
- Eurosolar Lëtzebuerg Asbl
- Jos Seylerstrooss 6
- 8522 Beckerich
Contact person
- Cédric Schiltz
- cedric.schiltz@eurosolar.lu
- +352 621 46 30 48
Institution type/carrier
Order of Architects and Consulting Engineers
Are there any additional partners or funders connected to your initiative?
- Chambre des Métiers
- Fédération des Artisans
- Klima-Agence
- Greenpeace
- Service des Sites et Monuments Nationaux
- Administration des Bâtiments Publics
Participation opportunities
We are always on the lookout for innovative projects that we can integrate into our guide. Our guide can be downloaded free of charge at www.archipv.lu.
Ideally, this guide will help :
Establish the reflex in all people that the integration of photovoltaic modules into the building is done with the first stroke of the pen.
Provide orientation and guidance to the various players in their options and decisions.
To sensitise policy makers to include the use of renewable energy technologies, especially photovoltaics, as the first option in building regulations and PAPs.
This guide is not a rigid document, but will be constantly updated to take account of developments and technical progress in the field of photovoltaics.
Target audience
Building owners, politicians, architects
The initiative information was originally written in German