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Digital Inclusion

Digital Inclusion is a non-profit organization seeking to help everybody in Luxembourg get access to information technology and computing.

Initiative phase: Well established and running

In the IMS Awards 2022 the association Digital Inclusion stood out for its work on digital inclusion in the People category. Established in 2016, the non-profit organisation collects computers and smartphones, refurbishes them if necessary, and then provides this IT equipment to people who cannot afford it. The service was beneficial during the Covid-19 pandemic, providing laptops to students without computers. And even more so since the war in Ukraine, when thousands of migrants have arrived in the country.

The award is "recognition for this professional work", says Digital Inclusion director Patrick de la Hamette. "Before the pandemic, we knew that our work was useful," he adds. "But the last two crises have shown that our project can adapt to a different context and provide solutions in Luxembourg."

First initiated in 2015 when Isabelle Mousset and Patrick de la Hamette first recognized the lack of access to digital equipment by highly motivated refugees Digital Inclusion has seen a long development. What started out as a private initiative collecting computers and donating them to refugees, has led to the foundation of the Digital Inclusion asbl in 2016. The quick support from Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte and the collaboration with Hariko allowed for the employment of two employees. Digital Inclusion has been growing since and started different projects over the years.

Noteworthy projects include:

  • The Digi4All project (2018-2019) aimed at improving digital skills among people without employment in Luxembourg
  • The circular economy program "iCyvle" (2018), which was funded by the Oeuvre GD Charlotte in its ‘Yes We Care’ program. The project includes efforts for smartphone re-use and re-use principal in general
  • The two year program ‘DigiCoach’ (2020) in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and the European Social Fund

In recent years he work of Digital Inclusion has been shaped by the Covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine. During the pandemic Digital Inclusion led an extraordinary distribution of digital equipment. The war in Ukraine resulted in 5000 displaced people and Digital inclusion coordinated an effort to distribute almost 1000 Laptops donated by various institutions and companies.

More information on offers, ways to donate digital equipment and volunteering can be found on their website.

Name of Organization

Address & geo

  • Digital Inclusion
  • 16 rue d’Epernay
  • L-1490 Luxembourg

Participation opportunities

Part time volunteers Equipment

Institution type/carrier

Non-profit organisation


Digital inclusion

How is your initiative financed?

Since 2022 Digital Inclusion is financed by the Ministry of Family Affairs and Integration via a convention. This convention covers all of Digital Inclusion's activities.

Are there any additional partners or funders connected to your initiative?

  • ONIS and the Offices Sociaux

Participation opportunities

Current volunteering options are:

  • Digital Inclusion’s Volunteer Learning Program (check the VLP website for more details and learn how to register)
  • Teacher assistance (but please let us know which one from our course offer)
  • IT support assistance for our Fridays’ Open Classroom
  • Logistics, especially if you have a car

What’s needed

Part time volunteers Equipment


Make information technology accessible to everybody

  • access to digital communication
  • access to technical equipment
  • promote digital literacy

Promote social inclusion through digital technology

  • creative activities around technology between locals and new arrivals
  • establishing a platform for computer assisted learning

Take action for the environment

  • re-use & repair donated digital equipment

Target audience

Refugees and those experiencing language cultural and language barriers accessing digital equipment.