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Sustainability goal icon Sustainability goal text
Sustainability goal icon Sustainability goal text

Happy Local

Eco-friendly social network

Initiative phase: Early beginnings

The platform focuses on raising awareness, sharing knowledge, and educating society about eco-friendly lifestyles. It is engaged in promoting local consumption by giving an online platform to buy and sell local products. 

Name of Organization

Address & geo

  • Happy Local
  • Office 107 University of Luxembourg, Incubator, 6a Avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux
  • L-- 4362 Esch-sur-Alzette

Contact person

Participation opportunities

Full time volunteers Part time volunteers Expertise/knowledge

Institution type/carrier

Private Company


Happy Local

How is your initiative financed?


Are there any additional partners or funders connected to your initiative?

  • No

Participation opportunities

There are opportunities with many different tasks for those who would like to join as a volunteer, or as an interim, as well as job  opportunity




What’s needed

Full time volunteers Part time volunteers Expertise/knowledge


To go towards a sustainable society, with a change in consumer behavior and products of the market. 


Society is aware of the consumption impacts on the planet and Happy Local is a platform that helps in promoting local products for local consumers. The solutions require less packing; less food loss; zero waste; less storage; less transportation and less energy consumption; which consequently creates less pollution; fewer emissions and promotes a circular economy; empowers local producers and generates more job opportunities.


Target audience

Local farms 
Local producers 
Crafts makers 

Challenges and learning successes

The monopoly of big social media

Good feedback from members of  the food baskets