Honey from the Minett UNESCO Biosphere
Luxembourg honey from the Unesco Biosphere Reserve
Initiative phase: Well established and runningThe 50 hives are located in a NATURA 2000 area in Rodange, Lamadelaine, Pétange, Lasauvage, Ronnebierg and Differdange. The honey is sold in jars of 125gr, 250gr and 500gr at the market in Esch-sur-Alzette every Friday morning and in Luxembourg City at the Place de Paris every Thursday morning. To renew the labels of his honey jars, Marcel Zoller, a beekeeper from Differdange, wanted to use the brand Mmmh...Minett! which in this case aims to create a territorial visibility directly linked to this region of miners.
Name of Organization
- Imkerei Marcel Zoller
- apizoller@gmail.com
- www.apizoller.lu
- www.minett-biosphere.com
Address & geo
- Differdingen
- 15, rue Roosevelt
- 4662 Differdingen
Contact person
- Marcel Zoller
- apizoller@gmail.com
- +352691915037
Participation opportunities
Engaged citizenInstitution type/carrier
Private Company
De Beiemann Marcel Zoller
How is your initiative financed?
privately financed
Are there any additional partners or funders connected to your initiative?
- PRO-SUD Minett Unesco Biosphere
Participation opportunities
What’s needed
Engaged citizenObjectives
Minett UNESCO Biophere has developed the brand "Mmmh...Minett!" to help producers market their products and to create territorial visibility directly associated with our mining region.
"Mmmh...Minett!" refers to "local consumption" and to ideas close to the heart of biosphere reserves, namely rethinking man's relationship with nature, reconnecting the population with and being proud of their homeland, or even respecting seasonality by reducing food waste.
Target audience
Citizens from Luxembourg
The initiative information was originally written in German